I saw John Mahama been Declared as President in 2024 elections- Prophet El Bernard speaks

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Ghana will go to the polls on December 7,2024, prior to that, many Prophecy have been said to the elections.

The leader and founder for Spirit life Revival Ministries, Prophet Bernard El Bernard Nelson Eshun has stated that, Former President of Ghana and also the Presidential Candidate for the National Democratic Congress(NDC) has been crowned as the president of God after the December 7 elections.

In a facebook post sighted by ghministers.net he writes;

My Third Vision Concerning Ghana’s 2024 Presidential Elections

I had a vivid vision where I saw Ghana’s 2024 presidential election unfolding on December 7th.

In this vision, the voting process had commenced, and ballot papers were distributed to voters.

Interestingly, I noticed that the ballot papers were counted up to number eight, revealing John Mahama’s picture alongside the National Democratic Congress (NDC) logo. Voters then thumb printed and cast their votes for him.

At the end of the election, I saw John Mahama being declared the President of Ghana.

My name is Bernard Elbernard Nelson-Eshun.

(Prophet and a Prophetic Gatekeeper.)

Source: ghministers.net

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