Random Thought:A Christian music minister is not merely an Entertainer- Eugene Zuta Quizes

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One of the finest contemporary gospel singer, Eugene Zuta has set some weeks to create an environment for music to ministers, by knowing their roles and part play in the Gospel industry space..

He writes:

A Christian music minister is not merely an entertainer; although people may find entertainment in their music, that is not their primary role.

Their main purpose is to employ music as a tool to create an environment where God is magnified. The goal is to help bring God( the transcendent reality) close to His people, for His people to draw close to Him, and for the world to witness His glory, acting as a magnet that draws them to Him, to the end that, many will be saved.

This overarching function encompasses various specializations within the music ministry, reflected in the uniquely enabled vessels within the kingdom. In the Bible, notable figures like Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun, Chenaniah, the sons of Korah, along with the leadership of King David and his officials, formed a community of ministers creating impactful music. This communal effort surpassed what each individual could have achieved alone.

Viewing Christian (gospel) music solely as entertainment tempts us to apply industry standards for evaluation. However, the foundation of Christian music ministry lies in Christian values based on scripture and must be assessed accordingly.

Determining the best gospel musician requires understanding each minister’s specific calling from God. Rather than comparing them, we should recognize the uniqueness of each assignment. The best music minister is the one obedient to God’s calling for their specific ministry, not in competition with another.

May God grant us the grace to discern distractions and focus on what truly matters.

Yours sincerely,
Bro. Eugene

Source: ghministers.net

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