In his teaching, the VBCI leader talked about seven keys to understanding the principle of honour. First, Bishop Tachie-Yarboi said “honour is the action derived from the attitude of respect, and respect only becomes honour when action is taken. Second, honour demonstrates respect honour is not honour until it is respected.”
“Man is very important and the key by which you can get men is how you honour them. So do not forget, let honouring people be part of your life. Some people do not deserve honour, but don’t look at them. Target those who deserve honour. Don’t let anyone discourage you from honouring people, may God help us,” Bishop Tackie-Yarboi proclaimed.
In his teaching, the VBCI leader talked about seven keys to understanding the principle of honour. First, Bishop Tachie-Yarboi said “honour is the action derived from the attitude of respect, and respect only becomes honour when action is taken. Second, honour demonstrates respect honour is not honour until it is respected.”
Thirdly ,Bishop Tackie-Yarboi said, “honour demonstrates esteem which is recognition of worthiness.” Honour “should be given to those who are worthy of it.” Fourth, “honour is not honour in the kingdom of God until it is demonstrated by a gift.” Fifth, “honour comes from recognition of who someone really is. It is impossible to truly honour anyone until you recognize who and what they are.”
The sixth point Bishop Tackie-Yarboi made was that “honour is only given when a high value is placed on the one that is being honoured. You cannot honour God or anyone else if you do not see value in the person being honoured.” Lastly, “honour given will be honour returned. When someone who is deserving of honour receives it, they will always return honour to the one from whom it was received.”